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Thursday, February 23, 2012

One World to Another, One Heart to Another, We Journey For the Sun!

One world to another.  What will become of each other?  One heart, we discover. What we become, we will uncover.  This life, we are given. To begin at the end, we are forgiven.  What will become?  And we create it.  One hand, reach for the other.  Into the sun, we journey inward. Where the source of all life is a sound.  Aware now.  We sing together.  A verse in the song of all creation.  We return now to our Mother.  A song line, of the beginning.  Together, we brighten the night.  A beacon of light for the others.  We sing with the stars for all creation. 

One heart to another.  Each chance.  We will reveal. One heart bleeds for the other.  One thought.  We are the dreamer.  The seeker, the seer and the believer.   May you find kindness and may you find mercy and may you find gladness as you journey back into the sun.  

Golden Grace sings for the Hoops, "Music in my head - no dancing bears". She says, "Music in my head . . . these are the words to the music. Blessing the sacred nine directions."
Hoop 4: Blessed Song I give to you, to know the Sacred Blue. The home that we long to know true, the loving Blue (heart knowing relatives). Where distance is just a call, when you need all that's water fall (tears) and spring will light up inside your heart to find the blue, red illumination's call (finding your spirit)...aho, may your spirit fly!

On Feb 23, 2012, at 1:23 PM, Comfort in the Wind Sunshine Glory Shines <> wrote:
My beloved golden daughter/son/sun of Grace,

I love your beautiful song!  Thank you so very much for the blessing from your heart.  So lovely and full of greatness.  It makes me sigh.

I love the titles you put on your emails"Music in my head - no dancing bears".  You always gift me smile!  Too bad about the dancing bears not being available, but I think they are doing a tour in Wyoming.  I don't know if he is available for any other showings or not.  I put a sample of his moves from you-tube down below that I just received from my mother-in-law Grandfather Helene.
Love and blessings in the nine sacred directions, here's to all the rainbow warriors taking care of everyone's infections.

Love your Grandmother Comfort in the Wind your Sunshine Glory Shines, gray child, elder of the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Golden Grace wrote:

Haha! That bear had some moves!
Blessing the sacred nine directions
Golden Grace
golden child
rainbow warrior of prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Come one and all beyond the sound to breeze the halls of division abounds, for we are a circle belonging to pound, the heart beat that goes round and round! Treasure the path that we walk, because heaven is on earth making her sounds (talk the talk). Sing glory bound, where treasures are making the rounds!

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